Rabu, 09 November 2011

KAWASAN WALLACEA 8 - The Malay Archipelago 1

The Malay Archipelago adalah sebuah buku yang ditulis oleh seorang naturalis berkebangsaan Inggris, Alfred Russel Wallace yang berisikan petualangan keilmuannya, selama 8 tahun penjelajahannya di bumi Nusantara (1854 hingga 1862). Daerah yang dikunjunginya termasuk bagian selatan dari Malay Archipelago termasuk Malaysia, Singapura, kepulauan Indonesia, yang terkenal juga dengan julukan daerah kolonial Hindia Timur serta kepulauan Papua Nugini. Judul lengkapnya adalah The Malay Archipelago: The land of the orang-utan, and the bird of paradise. A narrative of travel, with sketches of man and nature.


马来群岛》(The Malay Archipelago)是英国博物学家阿尔弗雷德·拉塞尔·华莱士所著的一本游记,其记录了他在1854年至1862年期间对马来群岛南部的科学考察,包括马来西亚新加坡印尼群岛新几内亚岛和当时的荷属东印度群岛。该书的全称为《马来群岛:猩猩的土地,鸟儿的天堂。游记,人与自然的速写。》The Malay Archipelago: The land of the orang-utan, and the bird of paradise. A narrative of travel, with sketches of man and nature




The land of the orang-utan, and the bird or paradise.
A narrative of travel, with sketches of man and nature.





I dedicate this book
Not only
as a token of personal esteem and friendship
But also
To express my deep admiration
For His genius and his works.

Orang-Utan attacked by Dayaks


Orang-Utan attacked by Dayaks
About a fortnight afterwards I heard that one was feeding in a tree in the swamp just below the house, and, taking my gun, was fortunate enough to find it in the same place. As soon as I approached, it tried to conceal itself among the foliage; but, I got a shot at it, and the second barrel caused it to fall down almost dead, the two balls having entered the body. This was a male, about half-grown, being scarcely three feet high. On April 26th, I was out shooting with two Dyaks, when we found another about the same size. It fell at the first shot, but did not seem much hurt, and immediately climbed up the nearest tree, when I fired, and it again fell, with a broken arm and a wound in the body. The two Dyaks now ran up to it, and each seized hold of a hand, telling me to cut a pole, and they would secure it. But although one arm was broken and it was only a half-grown animal, it was too strong for these young savages, drawing them up towards its mouth notwithstanding all their efforts, so that they were again obliged to leave go, or they would have been seriously bitten. It now began climbing up the tree again; and, to avoid trouble, I shot it through the heart.

The Dayak tribes are the dominant people in the Kahayan river region. An Austronesian people, they have preserved some of their original culture and Kaharingan religion. They speak languages of the Barito family, related to the Malagasy language spoken in Madagascar. The Kaharingan religion combines anchestor worship, animism and dynamism. It is now considered a form of Hinduism.

The main Dayak tribes are the Ngaju, Ot Danum and Ma'anyan. The Ot Danum remain in the upstream regions of the Kahayan, Barito, Kapuas and Rungan rivers and preserve a traditional way of life. Many still live in longhouses and subsist through hunting, fishing and basic agriculture. Village elders practice traditional medicine and mark their status with intricate body tattoos and heavy ear adornments. The Ngaju have moved downstream, and to some extent assimilated with the mixed population of the towns further down the river, which includes Javanese, Maduranese, Batak, Toraja, Ambonese, Bugis, Palembang, Minang, Banjarese, Makassar, Papuan, Balinese, Acehnese and Chinese.



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